

Innovation in Agriculture

Noun | in·no·va·tion | \ˌi-nə-ˈvā-shən\
: a new idea, device, or method
: the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods

No one could ever decry the innovation of Canadian agriculture. Often looked favorably upon for
consistently being on the leading edge, Canadian farmers are typically the envy of other nations’
producers for our advanced processes and our willingness to constantly strive for something better.
Innovation takes many forms. It need not be monumental. It does not require a farm to re-identify itself.
While significant innovations like direct seeding and minimum tillage required major capital
investments, many others do not. If you’re like virtually every farm, there is innovation all around you…if
you take the time to look.

Consider the changes you’ve made to your farm since you began farming. Again, not just the big obvious
changes, but the little things too. The little things often make the biggest difference, and yet they are so
easy to overlook. Just think about the positive effect of doing your own grain moisture tests on farm.
I was having a conversation with a client recently about the impact of grain sampling and how the
grading at delivery points can sometimes be a bone of contention. He described in detail how and why
he samples every load as it is being augered from the bin onto the truck. This is an innovation he has
employed to ensure he has taken appropriate measures to protect himself during a dispute. It has paid
off several times in the past, and will likely be of continued value in the future.

An interesting conversation, to which I was privy, among a group of very progressive farmers was about
how each of them managed the challenge of “feeding their help” during harvest. Crews that number
well into the teens require more than a cooler full of sandwiches and donuts. One innovation that I
thought was most creative was the customization of an old Class C motorhome into a quasi food-truck.
While we automatically focus on operations when considering our success with innovation, we cannot
ignore the management side of business. A common issue among my clients this fall is land rent
renewals. Many of them are seeking better ways to access their rented land without taking on so much
risk with these high cost all cash arrangements. As with land prices, rents have also increased
substantially over the last several years (thank you Captain Obvious for contributing to this week’s
article.) Farmers, generally, are becoming less comfortable with the $70-$100+/ac they’ve added to
their LBF (Land, Buildings, Finance) costs for land rent over the years and are now recognizing that they
often can’t make money on that rented land. Unless you’re running a charity, one that benefits your
landlords, “re-think profit” becomes an innovation all on its own.

Innovation is refining your record keeping, automating your payroll services, or focusing on improving
your working capital. While innovation also includes variable rate, advanced water management, or
specialized grain monitoring systems, it need not always be BIG and OBVIOUS. I think the best
innovation for every farm is to examine how it views profit, growth, and wealth.

Direct Questions

How do you view profit, growth, and wealth? I define each as,

Wealth: – discretionary time.

Profit: – that what is required to fuel “wealth.”

Growth: – not necessarily “expansion.” Growth is innovation at any and all levels.
(Remember “always grow; grow all ways!”)

How can you bring about innovation in your management arsenal?

How does innovation make its way into your business? Do you invite it in, or does it have to force its way

From the Home Quarter

I am a firm believer that change will continue to be rapid and drastic in the future. In terms of record
keeping and data management, it will one day be mandatory, so why not get on board before you’re
forced? Regarding my client’s issue on his grain sampling, I believe that future farmers will be forced to
manage their inventory similar to that of a food processor today. And if you have not heard the term
“social license” yet, then let this be the first. A farmer’s social license to farm could face scrutiny like
we’ve never seen before. All of this will require significant innovation. But, don’t fret over the big issues
yet. Start small with manageable innovations today.

Our proprietary Farm Profit Improvement Program™ includes analysis and advice on negotiating land
rental agreements. Please call or email for further details.


Bad Timing

I recently spoke with a farm ownership team that needs help. They need help in labor and marketing,
but especially in management. They readily describe all that has gone against them, and quickly list off
all the reasons why they don’t have time to work on the tasks that I propose they tackle. They know I
could help them, but they’re too busy to hire me.

Years ago when I was a bank branch manager, one of the lessons I shared with my staff was “there is a
difference between business and busy-ness.” One will make you money, advance your career, and grow
your wealth. The other just kills the day, eats up precious time, and leaves you feeling empty.
This farm team I speak of is multi-generational. The party with the most at risk has the least control. The
debt has almost become unmanageable. The record keeping is minimal. Management decisions are
fragmented and lacking sufficient foresight. These are not my observations, these are their own

The first time we spoke, their financial statements weren’t ready, so it wasn’t the right time. When the
statements were ready, they were seeding, so it wasn’t the right time. Recent follow up finds them with
about a third of their acres left to harvest, so (SURPRISE) it wasn’t the right time.

If we all allowed that thinking to be the rule of law in our lives, we’d never accomplish anything. I would
have never went back to school (attended college at age 25;) I would have never pursued career
advancement; I would have never made the leap from employment to entrepreneurship because there
could always have been an excuse to render it “not the right time.”

Guess what…it’s never “the right time.”

At least that is what we allow ourselves to believe when faced with a task, or an issue that we would
rather not deal with. None of us go shopping for a new canola seed variety in mid-May; we secure that
over the winter. Yet we rarely make a discussion with our accountant a priority until April…because
we’re just too busy?

Managing our respective businesses requires great priority. We take far too much risk in operating a
modern farm to allow our management to be an afterthought, or something that can be put off because
there’s something else to do.

Direct Questions

How often do you permit yourself to be mired in daily tasks and other work to the extent that you
essentially “avoid” the administration and management functions of your business?
How could your business be better if you begin to “make it the right time” to focus on management and

Is the fear of admitting that help is needed in management your reason for never making it the right

From the Home Quarter

The right time is not when things get tough. The right time is not when the banker is forcing the issue.
The right time is not when there are problems to fix, or a wreck to repair. Preventing a fire is much
easier than fighting one. The right time is now.

When making management a priority it can be daunting to figure out where to look first. Our
proprietary Farm Profit Improvement Program™ takes the guess work out of figuring out where to start
by first providing you with a detailed financial analysis that identifies your danger areas and offers
solutions to mitigate the risks. Call me or email for further details.


Soil Testing

It’s soil sampling season. Hundreds of thousands of fields are yielding to the soil probe as farmers,
agrologists, and retailers are pulling cores as fast as they can before freeze up. The soil test is a crucial
decision making tool in planning the next year’s crop. Understanding each field’s organic matter,
residual nutrient levels, and pH levels are but a few of many factors that all come together in a soil test
report to allow you to make an informed decision on what it will take to produce a crop that meets your
expectations. Soil experts suggest that every field be soil tested every year. They surmise that each field
should be treated as unique and that using a whole-farm, or even crop specific, fertility management
strategy is not financially efficient. To paraphrase, how can one make decisions about fertility without
knowing what is currently available in the soil?

Despite some arguments that the unused nutrient can remain in the soil for future crops
(notwithstanding the varying disagreements over nitrogen losses,) over-fertilizing will use up working
capital in the current year. Under-fertilizing can limit your yield potential. Both are manageable risks.
So the question begs, “Why don’t all farms soil test all fields every year?”

“Labor” is part of the answer, so is “time.” If “cost” forms part of the reply, I have to seriously consider
mindset. What is the cost of a soil test on one field when measured against the risk of over, or under,
fertilizing? (Not to mention the value in being able to validate changes in your soil over the years.)
I would connect the same mindset to understanding a farm’s financial position before making business
decisions. Many farmers still do not make knowledge of their financial situation enough of a priority and
continue to make substantial business decisions based on emotion, or gut feeling. Pulling together your
net worth, income/expense, and cash flow statements provide you the same informed principles when
making financial business decisions as does the soil test when making crop and fertility decisions.
Understanding your farm’s financial position is crucial to making business decisions. Identifying how
your profitability, your equity, and your cash flow will be affected allows you to make informed choices.
These effects, once appreciated, can be measured against your business and personal goals to allow for
prudent and strategic business resolutions.

This leads directly into the heated debate over Big Data or Ag Data or whatever buzz word you prefer to
use. Without stepping onto that stage, the basis of the argument is the same:

  • Knowledge is power.
  • Uninformed decisions increase risk.
  • You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

While managing ALL you farm data is critical to the future of your success in the industry, I’m not
insisting that getting on the data train be 100% completed by everyone this winter. Like with anything
new, there are innovators & early adopters, and there are laggards, but the majority of us are
somewhere in between. Get over the mindset that the soil test is an excuse for retailers to sell you more
inputs; get over the mindset that “big data” will one day . This is about your business and how you can make
the most informed decision possible. Remember, you can only make informed decisions with quality

Direct Questions

Would you write a cheque without knowing your bank balance? Would you accept regular information
from your bank that was “close,” or do you demand accurate reports each month?

Your soil test creates your “soil balance sheet.” Are you investing adequate time and effort into your
“financial balance sheet?”

The appropriate time for soil testing is after harvest but before seeding; once per year. How often are
you measuring your financial status? (HINT: it should be much more than once per year.)

From the Home Quarter

The parallels that can be made between doing a soil test and doing a financial review are many. While
there are subtle differences as well, the analogy is somewhat uncanny. Mindset comes up in this
discussion, as does data. In the end, it’s up to each business owner to decide how he/she will make
management decisions: with quality information leading to knowledgeable decisions, or by intuition
relying on emotion and gut-feeling. They’re almost as different as “black and white.”

Our Farm Financial Analysis service is akin to a report card, or a soil test report, of you farm financial
status. You get a clear and direct summary of strengths and weaknesses. It will also act as an indication
of the quality of your information (two benefits in one!) Post-harvest is probably the best time for a
Farm Financial Analysis so that you’re afforded opportunity to make changes (if necessary) before your
fiscal year end. Call or email for details.


Knowing Your Costs – Part 3: “The Present vs The Future”

As a proud member of the Rider Nation, and loyal fan of the entire CFL (despite the goofy new rules for
2015,) I witnessed something happen on the weekend that blew up social media and has fans of the
Green & White frothing.

The struggling winless Riders have been devastated by injury and lack-luster performances on field,
especially defensively. The order of the game plan each week seems to be “who can we plug where?”
One of the criticisms from fans is that there has been inadequate planning on behalf of management to
bring in the right new talent to provide appropriate solutions at time of crisis (like injury.)

While the business of football is a mystery to me, the business of business is not. Like a football team,
your business will face crises and you’ll need to adjust quickly. It doesn’t have to be personnel related
(like a football team;) it could be asset related (like equipment catastrophe) or market related (like a
major price decline) or anything. The knee-jerk reactions that are commonplace during times of crisis
rarely bode well for outcomes.

In the case of my favorite football team, the knee jerk reactions have been to sign different players to
the roster regularly. This is meant to fill the gaps left by injury, unsatisfactory performance, etc. This
knee-jerk reaction creates an air of constant uncertainty among the remaining players, and rarely brings
instant results because new players need time to learn the system, and gel with their teammates so as
to function as a unit when on the field. Wouldn’t it be better to have developed some younger players
and keep them on a practice roster? Players who would have learned the system since training camp,
and who are just itching to get on the field and show their stuff?

Similar to your business when you face crises, you could follow the lead of this football team and simply
run to the marketplace to buy another combine, rent more land, hire more people, apply more spray,
etc. The knee-jerk reaction would feel good in the short term because of the band-aid effect, but what
about the future? How has the knee-jerk decision affected your future profitability? Will the lease or
finance cost of that combine be affordable for the next 2-5 years? Will the extra land grow anything, or
will it be flooded out or ravaged with disease? Will your new hire fit in with your existing team and
culture? Will that extra spray increase or decrease your profit? Wouldn’t it be better to have given these
potential crises some consideration before the season started with some planning? With planning, you
would be prepared and then make a timely and informed decision. No more knee-jerk reactions.

The biggest issue with my favorite football team came to light during the last game this past Sunday. The
head coach pulled a young quarterback from the game after he threw an interception. The young QB,
who is 23 years old and fresh out of college, started the season as 3rd in line yet found himself in the #1
slot for the last number of games because of injury. By all accounts, this young man has the skills to be
the future leader of this team…in several years, not now. He needs time to learn, to enhance his skills
and his knowledge. The best way to enhance those skills is with real life experience. On Sunday, the
head coach regressed that young man’s growth by killing his confidence when he got benched for one
mistake. The coach made a knee-jerk decision that can, and likely will, have a detrimental effect on the
future of the team.

While the future of this football team weighs heavy on the fans enthusiasm right now, your business
doesn’t have to be this way. Whether it be a crisis in personnel, equipment, weather, or markets, the
preparation and planning you put in ahead of time will save you time, anxiety, and money.
How does this relate to knowing your costs? It comes from planning. Knowing your critical crisis cost
points from investing time and effort in your management will clearly indicate where you have
sensitivities and where you have breathing room. The sensitive areas, where your return on investment
is tight, require more strategy analysis to better prepare for crisis.

Critical Crisis Cost Points


o Key person quits mid-season (do you have a successor on the team today?)
o Injury, serious or minor (do you have a documented safety plan, insurance coverage?)


o Does your current equipment cost per acre have room for an increase should there be
an equipment crisis?
o Is your current equipment line deficient or excessive based on your productivity,
efficiency, and cost expectations?


o Are you prepared for hail or frost, drought or flood? (i.e. do you have sufficient working
capital to handle the loss of gross margin?)


o Do you know your Unit Cost of Production so you can hedge for a profit?

Direct Questions

What have you done to prepare for crisis on your farm? Will you be making a prepared and informed
decision or a knee-jerk reaction?

What are you doing to understand your costs on your critical cost points to accelerate your ability to
make informed decisions during times of crisis?

From the Home Quarter

The planning that goes into putting together a successful football season resembles the planning it takes
to put together a successful growing season on your farm. You put together the best game plan you can
based on the assets at your disposal, tangible or intangible. You prepare for quandary by building depth
into your game plan for your critical crisis cost points. Sometimes you best plans aren’t enough;
sometimes the dilemma is greater than you could predict or the results are more damaging than you
could imagine. No matter how you slice it, your best bet is planning and being prepared by drawing the
distinction between risking your future on a quick decision in the present, or taking the charted path
keeping the long term success of your business always in mind.

The head coach of the Riders got fired before I could finish writing this article. I expect it was partly
because he refused to take any accountability for the team’s struggles. He routinely made decisions in
the present with a lack of regard for his, or his team’s, future. He arrogantly stated in interviews that
he’s a great coach and will find work if he’s let go. His unwillingness to look within himself as the leader
ultimately cost him his job. As the leader of your farm, please don’t get caught in that same syndrome.
Your future depends on it.



We’ve been hearing the word “austerity” in the media for quite a while now. Whether it be issues in the
EU, or right here in Canada (Quebec), it’s become a “buzz-word” as of late.

Merriam-Webster defines austerity as “a simple and plain quality; a situation in which there is not much
money and it is spent only on things that are necessary; austerities: things that are done to live in a
simple and plain way.”

Based on that definition, I like what that word represents. Maybe that’s because I grew up on a small
mixed farm in Saskatchewan in the 80’s. There wasn’t a lot to be had that wasn’t “necessary.” Don’t get
me wrong, we never went without the necessities, but I wore $20 running shoes from Army & Navy, not
Nike Air. I guess I was raised under austerity.

There was an article published in Country Guide this spring titled “Have Higher Farm Incomes Changed
the Way You Think?” It opens by describing the near perfect correlation of rising farm income to rising
new farm equipment sales. The fourth paragraph reads; “So the question is, do those periods of high
incomes create a kind of euphoria or recklessness that induces farm managers to make longterm financial decisions that could seriously reduce profits in future years, especially if revenues

I think we know the answer to that question. And, so what now?

Well, who is considering an austerity plan for their farm?

Remember, austerity is spending only on things that are necessary. It’s easy for us a humans to blur the
lines between “nice to have” and “need to have” because we allow emotion to interfere with our
decision making.


  1. Bushels.
    You need to maximize yield in the most efficient way possible to produce at the lowest Unit Cost
    of Production your farm can provide. An Agrologist can help and should prove his/her value
    every year.
  2. Cash Flow.
    You need positive cash flow to meet debt and lease obligations, pay for inputs, land rent, wages,
    etc, etc, etc. Grain marketing is often where the best gains can be had, or can be lost. Diligent
    marketing with quality information (or lack thereof) can make or break any farm.
  3. Above Average Management.
    As you read in Growing Farm Profits Weekly Issue #17, average management was sufficient in
    the boom years, but it won’t get you through the next business cycle. Even above average
    managers find confidence in having a business advisor offer independent, unbiased advice on
    current situations, strategic plans, and risk management.

The list of “nice to have” could fill more pages that you’d care to read, or than I’d care to write. The list
of NEEDS is not exhaustive either, but in the spirit of austerity, those are the big 3 that NEED focus
(pardon the pun.)

Direct Questions

Production alone will not keep every farm afloat through the next business cycle. Are you able to
elevate your management abilities (no matter what level you’re currently at) to offer your farm its best
chance to thrive (or at least survive?)

Somebody shared a quote on Twitter that I read today: “Successful people are like a turtle on a fence
post. They didn’t get there by themselves.” -Michael Pinball Clemons
Do you have an arsenal of trusted advisors working for you to ensure you do everything it takes to be

Will your austerity plan be cutting the right costs or just the easy ones?

From the Home Quarter

It’s been said “You can’t shrink your way to greatness.” When it comes to cost cutting in an effort to
preserve cash, there is a wrong way to do it. Similar to the thinking of “good debt and bad debt,” there
are costs that should be cut, and costs that must not be cut. Interestingly enough, my phone has been
ringing lately with the voice on the other end saying, “Things are looking tough, I can’t afford to make
any mistakes. I need your help now more than ever.”
That’s what I’m here for, glad you called.

If you want help with building an austerity plan or just guidance on daily strategic decisions, call me or send an email.


Prevention or Contingency?

I read Alan Weiss regularly and one of his daily blog entries from early July gave me inspiration for this
week’s article.

Alan consults to Fortune 500 Companies and solo practitioners alike, and in the entry I refer to he asks
readers, “What are you doing with your clients, helping them to fight fires or to prevent them?”
Currently, I’m doing as much fire-fighting as I am fire prevention. I enjoy the latter far more, and I know
clients do to.

The challenge is that it is hard work to build and implement a prevention plan. It’s more fun to “give’r
while the going’s good” and figure out the rest later. For many farms, later has arrived and now it’s time
to fight fire.

The prevention plan will consider 3 metrics that must be maintained:

1. Working Capital
2. Debt to Equity
3. Cash Flow












Working Capital is simply the difference between your Current Assets and your Current Liabilities. To
complicate things, there is a process on how to include accurate figures for each; it’s not hard, but it
takes work. If your working capital is negative with little opportunity to return to positive, seek help

Debt to Equity, usually represented as Debt:Equity or D:E, is a ratio of your total liabilities to your
equity. For realistic measurements, calculate your net worth for the equity figure. Net worth is fair
market value (FMV) of all “owned” assets less all liabilities. The difference is your net worth. If your
debts are $2million and your net worth is $1million, your D:E = 2:1. In some industries, a D:E of 2:1 is
acceptable; in agriculture, it is considered too high. Target your D:E at 1:1 or less.

Cash Flow is going to be the new-old buzz word. As it was the dominant focus of the 1990’s and early
2000’s, cash flow will once again be front and center. Total up you cash flow requirements for the year
and don’t leave anything out (like living expenses.) When compared to what expected gross production
revenues are going to be this year, are you happy with the result?

Direct Questions

Can you recognize and describe the importance of adequate working capital?

Debt to Equity is a measurement of “what you owe versus what you own.” Are you happy with how your
metric balances out?

Cash makes loan payments, equity does not. Are your financing obligations using up the cash you need
to pay bills, cover living expenses, or build adequate working capital?

From the Home Quarter

Your prevention plan needs to have these three metrics measured, tested, and measured again.
Strategies for how to manage your finite resources so as to build and maintain a prevention plan are
easier than fighting fires or trying to put together an emergency contingency plan when you first see
smoke. You might have excellent fire-fighting skills, and your contingency plan could be water tight, but
the fire still occurred. Isn’t it better to prevent what caused the fire then to fight it?

If you’d like help building your farm’s prevention plan, then call me or send an email.


The Drought Dilemma

The smoky haze we started inhaling yesterday drives home more than ever just how dry it really is.
#Drought15 is the Twitter hashtag to learn about how bad it is beyond our respective back doors. By all
accounts, crops are suffering and market prices are starting to reflect it. Those who are in an area that
has been, and/or remains, too wet just might be coyly denying that they ever complained about the

While it is too early to get a handle on any semblance of accurate yield estimates, people I’ve been
talking with have tossed around phrases such as “July harvest” on lentils, and described wheat crops
that are ready to push heads despite only being approximately 2 feet tall. What might be in those heads
if another hot dry windy week prevails?

As a farmer, you are an optimist. Even the most pessimistic ornery old codger you can imagine is still an
optimist if he’s a farmer. If he wasn’t, he’d never put a crop in the ground each spring. But as optimistic
as “Well, if we get one good rain in the next 4-5 days” sounds, it’s not going to make it rain. Despite the
drizzle we’re seeing today, one rain does not make a crop. If you’ve got payments to make, payables to
cover, even payroll to meet, you might want to start thinking about how that will all get done if
#Drought15 persists.

  1. Speak with your creditors.
    They’re not clueless; they hear the weather forecasts and read the crop reports. But they also
    won’t assume; they won’t assume that you’ll have trouble making payments because your crop
    is not going to meet expectations. As far as they’re concerned, you’ll be fully capable of
    satisfying the obligations you promised to make when you signed the loan or lease
    documents…unless they hear otherwise.
    And remember, your lenders are not problem fixers, so coming to them after the trouble gets
    real makes it far more difficult. They have more opportunity to help when they can be proactive.
  2. Consider your options.
    Do you remember Growing Farm Profits Weekly Issue #9? “Life and business can often be like
    snowmobiling: when trouble is ahead sometimes you need to pull back and sometimes you
    need to stay on the throttle.” What is your best option considering your crop’s development to
    date? I recently read an article discussing the possibility of reseeding barley on fields that have
    been froze out or droughted out. Considering the dire need for feed this year, cattlemen will be
    interested in green feed or silage barley. Is it time to consider how that might pencil out?
  3. Change your plans.
    The decisions you made last year and the year before were based on the best information you
    had at the time. The current situation differs greatly and probably requires a new decision.
    Swallowing pride and allowing yourself to change/reverse/discard old decisions could be exactly
    what your business needs. Nay, it IS what your business needs because your business is
    constantly changing and so should your decisions. Knowing when to do so is just as important.

Direct Questions

How would you rate yourself as far as being agile to your financial obligations in light of poor crop

How would your stress level decrease if you took 10% of the time and effort you spend on worrying
about the existing crop conditions and used it to contact your strategic partners and advisors to amend
2015 expectations?

Are you staunchly sticking to your past decisions or are you being flexible and responsive to the needs of
your business?

From the Home Quarter

About 17 or 18 months ago, I blogged about how we need to reset what our expectation of success
really is. After the record 2013 crop, the 2014 crop year was poised to be a real disappointment in
comparison. Considering so far this year we generally went from adequate or excessive moisture in
March to a drought by mid-May, I’d suggest we look at 2015 for what it is and be realistic about what
we can call success. To give you a glimpse of what I mean, in 2014 I was working with a farm that
projected an operating loss due to the excessive moisture, crop quality issues, dropping grain prices, and
high fixed costs. The comment during planning was “OK, so we’re expecting to lose only about $300,000
in 2014; that’s decent considering what it could be.” They reset their expectation of success based on
what they saw.

Take a good hard look at your current year, be realistic with expectations, and make changes as
required. We can help make sense of it, take the emotion out of it, and assist with establishing new

If you’d like help planning your farm for business and personal success, then call me or send an email.


New Tech and its ROI

“It wasn’t until 1954 that tractors finally outnumbered horses on prairie farms.”

I learned this interesting factoid from Steve Leibel from FCC’s Management Software division when he
spoke to our local CAFA chapter in Regina earlier this spring. The presentation was on technology, not
economics, so we didn’t examine why it took so long.

Maybe that wasn’t a long time for farmers to adopt the technology of mechanized horsepower versus
literal horse power, but I think it was.

Today, it’s a little different; we adopt technology almost as fast as it can be released. I find that even my
head sometimes spins at the advances of new technology, so I can’t imagine what my grandfather, who
broke land behind a team of oxen, might think.

Much of this technology provides an incredible economic benefit. Others only provide marginal
economic benefit. Who has done the math before investing?

Shouldn’t any investment provide positive return to your farm? Of course it should, but not only should
it provide a positive return, there should be a threshold for that return to meet as well. Surely anything
that provides less than 2% ROI is better off staying on the shelf in favour of a risk free investment. This,
of course, is an extreme example notwithstanding those investment that provide negative ROI.

This winter I listened to Lance Stockbrugger say, “I love technology as much as anyone, but if it doesn’t
make me more money, what’s the point?” How much money do you need to make to invest in new

For some, there is no concern to the economic benefit of new technology; they just need to have it! For
skeptics, any proof of economic benefit is cast aside as nothing more than salesmanship.











ROI is a useful starting point for any investment. ROI is important to know because it not only indicates

the net benefit it will also offer insight into how long payback will take. Technology that offers 100% ROI
in the first year would “pay for itself”. Technology that offers an ROI greater than 100% in the first year
would pay for itself and provide positive cash flow above what would have been realized otherwise.
Technology with a 20% ROI would take 5 years to pay back your investment.

So let’s ask again, “How much money do you need to make to invest in new tech?” This also applies to
land, equipment, people, and professional services.

Direct Questions

How do you determine if an investment of your capital is worthwhile?

What is an appropriate ROI for different investment options?

How do you measure the success or failure of your decisions of how & where to invest your capital?

From the Home Quarter

Land investors want 3-7% annual ROI on their investment. Employees should be able to return 200% ROI
(their wage or salary times two) to their employer. What about iron, gizmos, gadgets, etc? Some of this
can be hard to measure: what was the ROI on hopper bins when they first came to market? While it can
be done, it’s not easy to put a financial value on efficiency, safety, and convenience, but those factors
certainly provide an intangible ROI.

I enjoy seeing the increase in confidence that my clients enjoy after we go through an ROI exercise as
they determine how to invest their capital. Reviewing realistic numbers to project the financial benefit
takes the emotion out of the decision.

I bet that early 20th century farmers didn’t do an ROI calculation on having a tractor on their farm versus
horses because if they did, I’d say that tractors would have outnumbered horses a lot earlier.

If you’d like help determining ROI opportunities on your farm, then call me or send an email.


The Blindside

No not the Hollywood movie, but the way prairie farmers have been blindsided by these late spring

I haven’t done the research, but it’s fair to say that we’d be hard pressed to recall a year when we’ve
had such a string of days where the daily low temperatures are well below freezing. Word has it that
farmers in many areas now are beginning to prepare for reseeding.

Show of hands: how many built reseeding into their 2015 crop plan? I didn’t think so. How many of you
who are reseeding are rejigging your budget and projections? It better be all of you.

It’s not just the extra cost of seed, fuel, wages, etc. It also means later emergence and maturity which
will impact yield, and maybe quality. For how challenging it has been to deliver grain in the last few
years, if late maturity means you now cannot deliver off the combine in August or September as per
your contract, will you be forced to wait until December, or even March? Have you considered how this
could impact cash flow?

Don’t get lulled into oversimplifying the adjustments to your projections. It’s easy to just add in cost for
more seed. But a couple bucks an acre here for labor, and a couple more bucks there for fuel on the
extra pass add up. And I don’t know of too many 2015 projections that have much wiggle room.

Direct Questions

Have you provided realistic amendments to yield and price projections based on reseeding dates and

Have you considered how the later seeding dates due to reseeding will affect your new crop delivery
opportunities, and therefore, your cash flow?

Do you have sufficient working capital to get through this unplanned extra cost?

From the Home Quarter

Anyone who is dealing with Mother Nature’s blindside string of frosty nights will be significantly
impacted in all 3 critical areas of their farm: production, marketing, and financial management.
Consequentially, the other critical areas of your business will also be affected: family, wealth, and
potentially your health.

You must, at your very first chance, update your projections for 2015 with realistic and conservative
information. And for goodness sake, let your lenders know ASAP, not just next spring when you’re doing
your annual review.

This bolsters my argument for strong working capital. Every farm, your farm, is at risk of a blindside
attack at any time from a variety of sources. Adequate working capital is the best way to ensure you’ll
get through it.
If you’d like help establishing strategies to ensure you build adequate working capital,
then call me or send an email.


Getting It Done

Alan Weiss is my mentor’s mentor, so naturally I subscribe to Alan’s work. One of Alan’s recent
newsletters contained a short piece about The Human Condition: Procrastinating.

Let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of it at some point. Alan writes, “We procrastinate out of sloth (I don’t
want to get up); out of fear (what if it’s not good enough); out of lack of consequences (they won’t do
anything about it); out of ignorance (I didn’t know there was a financial penalty after that date). We all
do it, it’s not a matter of obliterating the habit, it’s a matter of priority.”

While all of the farmers I speak with (be they clients or not) have never procrastinated at getting
equipment ready for the field, many admit to procrastinating when it comes to management of their
business data, analyzing information, and pretty much anything to do with bookwork.

Is procrastination a matter of priority and not habit? No argument that doing books isn’t a lot of fun;
shuffling paper in an office (or at the kitchen table) isn’t a task that everyone is fighting to do. Yet it is
clear to all of us that there is significant, sometimes immeasurable benefit to keeping our business
information current and up to date.

I am very proud of one of my clients this week. He was facing a very uncomfortable situation that will
lead to further discomfort as time goes on. We had discussed an idea or two to possibly defer the
immediate pain, but in the end, he chose not to procrastinate. He faced this situation head on and took
what was coming his way. We’re working hard to deal with it even though seeding is ready to start on
his farm. He realizes that while getting the crop in the ground is highest priority, there is no benefit to
allowing this unpleasant situation to fall lower on the priority ranks. His approach to handling these
issues is an example for everyone.











Direct Questions

Do you give yourself permission to let unpleasant tasks slide down the priority list?

Are you aware of the potential gains missed, or losses realized, from not giving financial matters greater

Are you allowing your conflicting priorities to pull you left when you need to go right?

From the Home Quarter

I make it my business to ensure you are keeping your financial management data up to date, current,
and usable in real time. Six-month old information is not valuable when making business decisions
today. Would you write a cheque today based on your November bank statement? I help farm
businesses realize the priority that needs to be placed on financial management practices and help them
understand the financial ramifications of improved or decreased efforts in doing this critical
management function. Alan Weiss writes, “I’ve never procrastinated about eating the lobster that I
ordered. We ought to treat our priorities in life the same way, as a great meal that can spoil if you just
let it sit.” Managing your farm’s information is certainly not akin to a lobster supper, but both will spoil if
you let them sit.

Keeping your information managed and up to date is a lot less painful that what my client faced this
week. He made it a priority when he didn’t have to. What’s your priority?

If you need help in prioritizing your financial management functions, determining your
True Cost of Production, identifying opportunities to reduce operating & overhead costs, or applying
analysis to your management data, then email or call me.