
Planning With a RESULTS Mindset

I was listening to a local radio station the other night and heard an interview with the hockey coach of
the local junior team. What caught my attention was the comment “every game matters now, every
shift matters now as we try to make our way into the playoffs.”

So did every game and every shift matter less early in the season? Why would the team accept
mediocrity at the beginning of the season only to urgently try to find excellence at the tail end in a mad
dash to make the playoffs and maintain fan support?

It sounds to me like they didn’t have a plan when they opened Game 1 of the current campaign. If their
plan at the beginning of the season was to actually make the playoffs, then every shift and every game
would have mattered all season! Granted, that would not have guaranteed entry into the post-season,
but it’s about mindset. Did they have winning as a frame of mind all season? That is what I question.
How does this apply to your business? Simple: examine honestly and critically what is your frame of
mind going into the growing season.

Believe it or not, mindset will ultimately create your results.











For example, a mindset of “don’t lose any money” will create an attitude of risk aversion, and a that would likely prevent you from forward pricing any new crop before it’s in the bin. The results would be lost pricing opportunities and likely lower profitability.

But if you are planning, I mean really putting effort into planning, the whole scheme changes.











The essence of planning puts the focus on results. If you focus on results and therefore create a “results
mindset,” your attitude and your actions will reflect as such.

I contest that if that junior hockey team began this season with a results mindset, then every game and
every shift would matter right from the beginning of training camp. They’ll have about as much success
making the playoffs with a sub-.500 record in February as your farm will have in trying to turn an
average crop into a bumper in August.

Direct Questions

You are crop planning. Hopefully you’re market planning as well. Are you “business” planning?
Are you prepared to get dirty with some ground level business planning in 2015?

From the Home Quarter

In a recent issue of the blog, you were asked to think about how you define wealth,
because it would provide clarity in how you run your business. This week, you’ve been challenged to
think about your mindset at the beginning of this crop season. Intention sets direction. Clear goals set
the roadmap. As the CEO, you are the captain of your ship. Are you using any guidance tools, still
holding on to the compass and sextant, or consulting the GPS?

Over the next few weeks of Growing Farm Profits Weekly, we’ll dig deeper, and get a little dirty
regarding business planning. It can be messy, but it’s still cleaner than trying to deal with the unforeseen
when we’re not prepared.

Think about this: every enterprise that you do business with has a business plan.

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  1. […] these weekly editorials, you have read about Mindset, about Strategy, and about Focus; these topics (and many of the others) challenge the conventional […]

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